James H. Simons Workshop on Random Matrix Theory

Stony Brook, February 20 - 23, 2002



Jac Verbaarschot

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List of Participants

Random Matrix Theory has been a rapidly developing field attracting interest from both mathematicians and physicists. The goal of this workshop to stimulate the interaction between mathematicians and physicists interested in fundamental problems in Random Matrix Theory and in applications of Random Matrix Theory to different branches of mathematics and physics. We hope to achieve this by means of a series of lectures by world-experts on the most important developments in their field during the past decade. This workshop has been made possible through a generous donation by James H. Simons.

The following speakers have agreed to lecture at this workshop

Gernot Akemann (Saclay)  Random Matrix Model Universality - Critical and Noncritical Ensembles
Alex Altland (Cologne) RMT in mesoscopic physics: concepts and recent developments
Boris Altshuler (Princeton) Disorder and interactions in zero dimensional systems
Percy Deift (NYU, New York) Universality for Random Matrices: a Riemann-Hilbert Approach
Kostya Efetov (Bochum) Multifractality in disordered systems: beyond the RMT
Yan Fyodorov (Brunel University, London) Random Matrices Close to Hermitian or Unitary: Crossover from Dyson to Ginibre Eigenvalue Statistics
Thomas Guhr(Lund) Random Matrices and Financial Correlations
Romuald Janik (NBI/Krakow) Random Levy Matrices
Eugene Kanzieper (Weizmann Institute) Shohat's method and universality in Random Matrix Theory
Ivan Kostov (Saclay) Matrix Quantum Mechanics, String theory and Toda Lattice Hierarchy
Vladimir Kravtsov (ICTP, Trieste) Critical Random Matrix Ensembles
Igor Lerner (Birmingham) Non-Perturbative Results from the Replica Trick: RMT and beyond
Shinsuke Nishigaki (Uconn) Replica Method and Nonhermitian Random Matrices
Peter Sarnak (Princeton)  Zeta functions and random matrix theory
Craig Tracy (UC Davis) A Growth Model in a Random Environment
Alex Tsvelik (BNL/Stony Brook) Wave function statistics at the Quantum Hall critical point
Tilo Wettig (Yale)  Random Matrix Theory and (lattice) QCD
Martin Zirnbauer (Cologne) Random matrices, symmetry classes, and dual pairs

To register please send an e-mail to the organizer verbaarschot@tonic.physics.sunysb.edu . The registration fee is US $ 100. Contributed papers may be submitted for poster presentations. Deadline for receipt of abstracts is: February 1, 2002 (to be sent to the organizer as well).

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