Nov. 24-26, 2013, Stony Brook University

Some talks as .pdf are here.

Gerry called his autobiography "Fly with Eagles"* in reference to G. Breit, R. Peierls and H. Bethe, his mentors and colleagues that shaped his life and views on science. For many, Gerry was an "eagle" himself. Gerry has been among the intellectual leaders in nuclear theory for half a century. He in many ways shaped this field of science, mentored over 70 PhD students, and he will be missed by many.

This conference is a small tribute to his achievements as viewed by his many students, collaborators and colleagues.

The subjects will include nuclear forces and structure, hot/dense hadronic mater, quark-gluon plasma, neutron stars and supernovae, and some condense matter topics related to Gerry's work.

Local organizing committee:

D. Kharzeev, T. Kuo, E. Shuryak (chair), I. Zahed

Conference secretary: Diane Vigliotta

Location: Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. It is a new building located next to the Math and Physics Buildings with excellent meeting rooms and cafe.

Housing will be in Hilton Garden Inn, a new on-campus hotel, which is about 4 min walk from the Simons Center. We will reserve a block of rooms, but partipipants should make their reservations individually as well, be email to Ashley.Brewster@hilton.com mentioning the "Gerry Brown conference" in the subject line (plus putting cc to Jeannine.Lang@hilton.com as she is the person who supervise the direct billing reservations). The phone of the hotel +1 631 941 2980: if you phone you can ask for one of these two ladies.

Transportation: Most of the people should recall Stony Brook train station on the Northen end of the campus. For those arriving to JFK: a small train going around the terminals can bring you to Jamaica station, in about 15 min, 5$ charge, from which trains to Stony Brook (Port Jefferson branch) is only about 1 h. Hotel is on the opposite end of the campus, about 8 min walk, so you may want to ask for a free shuttle from station to hotel if you have a heavy suitcase. (They ask to give them 1/2 hour notice.) Another option is to book limo from the airport: one of them is Spartan, phone +1-631-9285454

Support: We hope to be able to support local expenses for most participants, including housing and meals, but not travel. Details will depend on how successful we will be in fundraising and on how many people will come: those will become available as the support is put in place.

Conference timing: We found multiple conflicts with conferences in November, and thus decided to focus on the beginning of the Thanksgiving week, when there is none. The duration of the conference is planned as follows: the second half of Sunday, full day Monday and the first half of Tuesday. People who stay longer or have non-standard travel plans need to tell it to us in advance. We plan our reception Sunday evening and conference dinner Monday evening.

Travel timing: this timing will allow people to travel on Sunday morning and leave Tues. afternoon, avoiding the most heavily traveled Wed. Presumably, if booked in advance, this will not hinder travel too much.

Talks: we aim at 1/2 hour talks, in total about 24 in the 2 days (comprised of 2 half days and 1 full day). So, we will have to make a selection, from perhaps 50 participants. While we don't have a formal Advisory Committee, we will ask some of you for advice.

Proceedings are to be published in a special volume of Nuclear Physics A. People who do not get to present talks, or those who cannot come to the conference but still want to honor Gerry's contribution, may still be included in this volume. Details on the policy and on who the volume editors be are still to be determined.

If you plan on attending, kindly reply here. Please indicate also if you do or do not wish to write something for Proceedings.

* Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science Vol. 51: 1-22 (Volume publication date December 2001)