ICTP - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy

Adriatico Research Conference on

Non-Hermiticity and Disorder

ICTP Trieste, August 23 to 26, 1999


Directors of the Conference


Yan V. Fyodorov, yan@next26.Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE

Fritz Haake , Fritz.Haake@uni-essen.de

Jac Verbaarschot, verbaarschot@nuclear.physics.sunysb.edu 516-632-8123

Local Organizer


V. Kravtsov kravtsov@ictp.trieste.it

Statistics of complex eigenvalues of large random matrices have recently attracted much interest in both physical and mathematical communities.

The objective of this conference is physicists and mathematicians in order to provide a broad discussion on applications of non-Hermitean random matrices and non-selfadjoint random operators in various branches of theoretical physics and to review recent progress in the field.

The topics of the conference will cover non-Hermitean random matrices, resonances and time delays in quantum chaotic scattering, localisation transition in non-Hermitean quantum mechanics, QCD at finite chemical potential, hydrodynamic stability and pseudospectra, diffusion in a random velocity field, non-Hermiticity and integrable models and some other topics.

For a somewhat more detailed description we refer to our proposal for the conference.

Plenary talks by ( New: Click on names for abstract):

G. Akemann (Heidelberg) B. Khoruzhenko (London)
Y. Alhassid (Yale) M. Kus (Warsaw)
A. Altland (Bochum) V. Mandelshtam (Irvine)
I. Barbour (Glasgow) I. Rotter (Dresden)
D. Braun (Essen) B. Simons (Cambridge)
J. Burgdörfer (Vienna) V. Sokolov (Novosibirsk)
J. Chalker (Oxford) H.-J. Sommers (Essen)
K. Efetov (Bochum) M. Stephanov (SUNY,Stony Brook)
M. Feigelman (Moscow) L. Trefethen (Oxford)
A. Kolovsky (Kaiserslautern) J. Verbaarschot (Stony Brook)
Y. Fyodorov (Essen) T. Wettig (Heidelberg)
I. Goldsheid (London) O. Zaboronsky (Warwick)
V. Girko (Campinas) A. Zee (Santa Barbara)
N. Hatano (Los Alamos) M. Zirnbauer (Cologne)

Posters by:

L. Molinari (Milano) P. Seba (Dresden)
S. Yoshida (Oak Ridge)

Program of the Conference

Combined Abstracts (including poster-sections)

Contributed papers may be submitted for poster presentations. Deadline for receipt of abstracts is: 1 January 1999 (to be sent to: yan@next26.theo-phys.uni-essen.de.

Scientists and students from all countries that are members of the UN, UNESCO or IAEA can attend the conference.  The main purpose of the Centre is to help research workers from developing countries within a framework of international co-operation.  However, students and post-doctoral scientists from developed countries are also welcome to attend.  As the conference will be conducted in English, participants should have an adequate working knowledge of that language.

As a rule, travel and subsistence expenses borne by the home institutions.  However, very limited funds are available which permit the Centre to grant a subsistence allowance to a limited number of people from developing countries who will be selected by the Organizers.  As scarcity of funds allows travel to be granted only in few exceptional cases, every effort should be made by candidates to secure support for their fares by their home country.  Such financial support is available only to those attending the entire conference.  Scientists and students from developed countries are welcome to participate at their own expenses.  There is no registration fee for attending the conference. $ The closing date for receipt of requests for participation is  15 April 1999.

For registration complete the registration form attached to the announcement on the ICTP web page. Alternatively a form is obtainable by e-mail: smr1147@ictp.trieste.it, by typing on the subject line: get index.

The completed form should be returned to:

Adriatico Research Conference on "Non-Hermiticity and Disorder",
the Abdus Salam I.C.T.P.,
P.O. Box 586 (Strada Costiera 11, for courier delivery), 
I-34100 Trieste, Italy,  before 15 April 1999.

Articles Non-Hermitian Random Matrix Theory (source: SPIRES)

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