Final exam

Guide to exam and list of problems

  1. A detailed guide to the exam and a survey of the problems to help you prepare is here

Basic content

  1. Green function of the wave equation
  2. Radiation and non-relativistic scattering of light
  3. Relativity and electrodynamics, gauge invariance, fundamentals of Maxwell equations.
  4. Radiation from relativitistic particles. Power and frequency spectrum

Past exams and comps problems

  1. Past comprehensive exam problems comps
  2. The 2013 exam and solution
  3. The 2014 exam and solution
  4. The 2015 exam and solution
  5. The 2016 exam and its solution

First Midterm Exam

Basic content

The first midterm covers the first ten chapters of the course notes:

  1. The Maxwell Equations:
  2. Electrostatics, and electric fields in matter:
    • The multiple expansion and forces and torques on multipoles
  3. Magnetostatics, magnetism, and magnetic fields in matter:
    • Magnetic dipoles moments, and forces and torques on multipoles
  4. The Maxwell equations, conservation laws, induction, and energy in magnetostatics:
  5. Propagation of waves in media and at interfaces. Dispersion.

Detailed list of topics

A more detailed list of topics is here

Past exams

Past exams are given here (though many of these were too long)

  1. The 2013 exam and solution
  2. The 2014 exam and solution
  3. The 2015 exam and solution
  4. The 2016 exam and its solution

Relevant problems from SBU comprehensive exams

A list of problems which have appeared on the SBU qualifying exam are here