Week 1: 8/31 | l1 , Taylor Series: formulas, lecture |
Week 2: 9/5 | l2 l3 hw1 , hw1_sol, lab sample + error anal, latex file for labs (if you use latex) |
Week 3: 9/12 | l4 l5 hw2 , hw2_sol, |
Week 4: 9/19 | l6, l78, hw3 hw3_sol |
Week 5: 9/26 | |
Week 6: 10/03 | l9 l10 hw4 hw4_sol |
Week 7: 10/10 | First Practice Test , solutions, Second Practice Test , solutions, Formulas , exam1, exam1_solutions exam1_grades |
Week 8: 10/17 | hw5, hw5_sol , l11_intro, l11, |
Week 9: 10/24 | hw6 hw6_sol , l12 l13 ldebroglie slides Group Velocity |
Week 10: 10/31 | hw7, hw7_sol l14 l15 |
Week 11: 11/07 | hw8 solutions l16 l17 l18 complex quiz material , quiz in recitation next week. solutions , quizzes for both recitations+answers |
Week 12: 11/14 | hw9 hw9 solutions l19 l20, lsho - slides (Use Adobe Reader not Preview), SHO Table l21 First Practice Test , solutions, Second Practice Test , solutions, |
Thanksgiving: 11/21 | |
Week 13: 11/28 | l21 l22 l22 slides hw10 hw10_sol |
Week 14: 12/05 | l23 (last lecture on exam) l23 slides |
This schedule is subject to change
Week 1: 8/31 | No Lab |
Week 2: 9/5 | No Lab: Labor Day |
Week 3: 9/12 | Lab1: Michelson Morley |
Week 4: 9/19 | Lab2: E/M Ratio |
Week 5: 9/26 | Lab3: Millikan |
Week 6: 10/03 | Makeup |
Week 7: 10/10 | Lab 4: Photoelectric Effect |
Week 8: 10/7 | Lab 5: Standing Waves |
Week 9: 10/24 | Lab 6: Scattering Angles |
Week 10: 10/31 | Makeup |
Week 11: 11/07 | Lab 7: Hydrogen Spectrum |
Week 12: 11/14 | Lab 8: Bragg Scattering |
Thanksgiving week | No Lab |
Week 14: 11/28 | Makeup Numerical Lab |
Week 13: 12/05 | Numerical Lab |
This course attempts to introduce the physics of the time period from 1905 to about 1930. Thus the name modern physics is perhaps a misnomer since it is more than seventy years old. Perhaps "introduction to a weird universe" would be a better title. In 1905 Albert Einstein (pictured below) deduced some aspects of this weird universe through a deep understanding of electricity and magnetism and classical mechanics.
The course will first introduce the basic notions of special relativity. Subsequently we will turn to quantum mechanics introducing the de Broglie wavelength and the photoelectric effect. Then we will study the Bohr model with an emphasis on estimates. Then we will investigate in detail quantum mechanics in one dimension. After this work we will begin to discuss the hydrogen atom and atomic structure .
Additionally this course will try to transition young scientists from elementary classes to more advanced junior and senior level courses. Fourier series will be introduced and Taylor series used constantly to develop an intuition for approximation and estimation.
Exam 1 | 30/15% |
Exam 2 | 30/15% |
Final | 40% |
Homework/Recitation | 15% |
The 30/15% means that the highest of the two in class exams will be given 30% and the lowest of the two in class exams will be given 15%. There will be no makeups for the in class exams. If you miss an exam because, e.g. your car breaks down, this will count as your low score and will be dropped. In this way the bad things that happen in life will set you back, but will not knock you down!
Recitation/homework is a major component of this course. Experience has shown that students who do not do the homework will not know what to do on the exams. Homework will be assigned in class (usually on Thursday) and collected in class (usually Thursday). Only a portion of the homework will be graded.
During recitation the homework will be reviewed, and at the end a quiz will be given which will most often be taken from the assignment. The quiz is not intended to be hard. Almost always the problem actually on the quiz will be discussed in the recitation just before the short test and the necessary formulas are left on the board!
Some number of quizzes will be dropped (at least one and perhaps two.)
The class meets Tuesday and Thursday in S240 in the basement of the Mathematics Building
Recitation hours are on Wednesday
All labs are in Physics A133
Please feel free to contact me at anytime. My official office hours are,
The final is worth 40% of your grade and is on Wednessday, December 14 from 2:15--4:45 p.m.
PHY 252 (The Lab) is a separate course from PHY 251, but students earn a common grade in PHY 251 and PHY 252. PHY 252 is required and must taken concurrently with PHY 251.
Labs give you a chance to get a glimpse at some of the classic experiments which have either led to or confirmed important understandings in modern physics.
The laboratory manual will be provided week-by-week on the course web page. Print out a copy for yourself before each lab.
If you miss a lab you will be allowed to make it up at certain time periods (see schedule below) For instance if you miss one of the first three labs you can make it up on the week 10/4.
The labs will not be accepted late. The lab instructor will sign your lab book and date it when the actual experiment is completed. If you do not hand in a lab on time you can make up the lab by redoing the experiment, and turning in the lab report at the start of the next lab period. Three labs (i.e. one lab per three lab block!) can be made up for full credit.
Please read the statement on the undergraduate physics web page on student ethics and academic honesty. We will apply those standards to this class.
Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. Faculty in the Health Sciences Center (School of Health Technology & Management, Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at http://www.stonybrook.edu/uaa/academicjudiciary/
If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services, ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, room128, (631) 632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.
Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn. Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures.
You do not have to come to class. But please try. During recitation a quiz will be given and homework will from be collected from time to time and so attendance is important (though some number of quizzes will be dropped).